Unique emergency number: 112

(Ambulance, First Aid, Mountain Rescue, Emergency Public Rescue, Fire Brigade)

Medical Service - ph. 800 448118


Farmacia Marinone s.n.c. di Marinone Carlo e Marco
Piazza A. Moro – Baceno
ph. +39 0324 62016

Opening hours: 08.30 – 12.30 a.m. / 3.00 – 7.00 p.m.
Closed on: Thursday and Saturday afternoon
From the second week of July until the third week of August the pharmacy is open every day, except Sunday.

Mountain Rescue Service

Mr. Roberto Proletti
ph. 335 7728752

Roadside assistance

Autofficina Pallis Walter
Via Roma, 38 – Baceno
ph. +39 0324 62290 (for emergencies +39 347 1738590)

Fire department

Baceno Volunteers Detachment
Provincial Command VVF Verbano Cusio Ossola
Via F. Fornara, 3/5 – Baceno
ph. +39 0324 62131