The first official documents concerning the construction of the ancient winepress of Croveo date back to 1860, but its origins certainly predate this date. Its functional structure has remained almost unchanged over the years.

The press of this characteristic hamlet of Baceno was used until 1951, first to press nuts, from which oil was obtained, then for the grinding of a particular variety of pear, called “pir” in the local dialect. From this pressing was obtained a unique drink, very appreciated, which preserved the sour and liqueur taste of the fruit.

Each family in autumn used to collect “pir, not yet ripe, and carried them with the characteristic panniers to the press, where the pears began their processing process to become “pir wine”.

Even today some elderly people of Croveo remember with affection and nostalgia the autumn and winter evenings spent in this structure linked to the rural soul of the country.
The place can be visited in summer, while in the rest of the year you need to book by calling the Municipality of Baceno.

Torchio di Croveo - Comune di Baceno, Valle Antigorio