Flora alpina in Val Buscagna, Alpe Devero - Comune di Baceno - ph. Paolo Sartori

The vegetation of the Antigorio Valley is characterized by the widespread presence of pastures and beautiful woods. Beech, chestnut and birch woods prevail in the valley floor, while at high altitudes, up to about 2,200 meters of altitude, the main essences are larches, alders, willows, and spruce.

The undergrowth is the kingdom of rhododendrons and blueberries. In the Veglia Devero Natural Park about 320 botanical species have been identified, almost a quarter of which are rare, such as gentian (Gentiana brachyphylla), astragalus (Astragalus leontinus) and cobrenia (Kobrenia simpliciscula).

Very rich also the fauna: among the mammals stand out for number on animals chamois, marmots and Alpine hares, in the skies of the Antigorio Valley hover species dating back to the Mesolithic, such as the golden eagle and the black grouse. Finally, the valley floor is inhabited by deer, roe deer, foxes and other small mammals, such as badgers and squirrels.